
Farm Prophet
Real Time Facts, Figures & Forecast
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Why Farm Prophet?
Farm Prophet’s passion is to help your farm improve its current situation and to become more profitable. It starts with our tag line:
“Real Time Facts, Figures & Forecast”
We believe that you need to get better before you get bigger. Partnering to lighten your load is the right thing to do.
Since the production agriculture industry is ever-changing. the cyclical ups and downs of production agriculture are unavoidable. It's important to know how to adapt to changes in the economy, markets, competition, technology, regulations, taxes, and so on.
The ​day usually arrives when partnering with others to lighten your load is the right thing to do, and adapting is easier to do when your partner with the right people, a good Farm Financial Manager—and that's were Farm Prophet comes in!
Farm Prophet can handle not only the tasks you would expect—such as your management record keeping, but will also guide you towards making sound decisions that will help your operation reach the next level, by providing valuable assistance with financial management record keeping, total farm, and enterprise analysis, income tax management and other related farm management areas.
If any of these statements have crossed your mind...
Numbers are just not my thing!
I shutter at the word “taxes."
I struggle to quickly and accurately keep others informed
I know planning and monitoring are vital to success, but ...
The numbers don’t add up. Now what?
The numbers do add up, but I can’t keep up!
Oh no! I am about to be audited!
The quality of life would be so much better, if only I could get a handle on this record keeping!
...give serious consideration to form a relationship with Farm Prophet.
Today’s farms are complex operations under tremendous time pressure dictated by unpredictable growing conditions, weather events, markets or prices, and regulatory or government factors. The precise mix of capital investment, financing, labor, technology and risk management tools are critical to your success, yet most of these decisions are made based on gut instinct, experience or tradition.
Farm Prophet provides industry-specific analytical tools that will help you better understand how the costs are measured and managed. We’ll work to optimize your resources for a more timely, cost-effective management of your operations.

We have a thorough understanding of land, machinery and capital requirements as well as finance and business structures. This allows us to work with farm owners and managers to ensure the business as a whole, is operating in the most efficient manner possible.
Managerial accounting is more than compiling and recording information that is needed to prepare taxes. It includes the preparation of financial information designed for use by the managers and decision-makers inside the farm business. It can demonstrate a producer’s break-even point and the impact of actual or proposed investment decisions to avoid any possible mistakes.
The foundation to good record keeping is putting information together in a way that supports sound management decisions. It will not only improve your farm business but also help you achieve your personal goals as well.